I hate winter. Hate. I grew up in Texas where winter doesn't really exist. Sure, it gets kinda really cold here and there, but it never lasts more than a few days and you never really have to be outside in it longer than the 10 seconds it takes you to get from your car into a building. And the rest of the time it's 60 degrees. Before I went to college I thought "winter coat" meant a suede jacket.
The first winter I lived in New York City I thought I was actually going to die. I didn't know it was possible to be THAT cold, all the time. And it gets so dark, so early, and the whole city walks around with their shoulders hunched up around their ears and everyone's in a bad mood until it starts to thaw in April. Or June. HATE winter.
Anyway, I've definitely got the winter blahs. All I want to do is lie on the sofa and watch bad television and not go to work and not clean my room and not send out resumes and not answer my phone and not ever leave my house ever even to see friends. And I hate the world.
So I made soup.
I love soup. I think I could eat soup for every meal, including and especially breakfast, during the winter. Soup makes me happy. And the Tomato-Rice Soup with Roasted Garlic and Navy Beans (p. 137) made me especially happy. Tomato! And Brown Rice! And Garlic! and Navy Beans! Mmmmm..... So yummy and healthy. And it required minimal chopping and only one pot, so I didn't have a sink-full of dishes to do, which is another thing that I hate. Also, this recipes makes A LOT of soup, so there were a lot of leftovers, which enables me to come as close as actually possible to opening up my fridge and magically having a fabulous meal jump out. I added a bunch of chopped spinach, which is one of the easiest ways I know to sneak in leafy greens.
Winter, bleck. Soup, mmmm. I might make to spring after all. Maybe.