Sunday, January 13, 2008

The Challenge

The Challenge: Cook my way through the entirety of Veganomicon, the latest cookbook by Isa Chandra Moskowitz and Terry Hope Romano. Essentlally, the Joy of Cooking, sans meat, eggs, and dairy.

The Obstacles: An exhausting full time job, a teensy NYC kitchen, a drawer full of take-out menus, and my own propensity towards laziness. Why cook when delicious Thai food is just a phone call away? And delivered to the door of my fourth floor walk-up? And why am I so poor? Hmmmmm...... The mysteries of life.

Introduction: I need a project. A focus. Something, really, to distract me from the uncertainties in my life and provide some structure. I recently finished grad school, and am now "only" working full time, so.... I have a lot a free time on my hands that I don't really know how to use. I'm looking for a new job, trying to decide if I really want to stay in the City, an old boyfriend has re-appeared, I'm going to have to somehow start paying back my student loans soon.... basically I spend way too much time sitting around THINKING about my life, and not always doing that much. And spending way too much money on food that I am perfectly capable of cooking myself.

No more.

In an effort to DO something, anything, while also saving money and imposing some sort of structure and pseudo-discipline into my daily life, I give you: Veganomics.

Credits go to: The Julie/Julia project. Yes, I'm totally stealing her idea, sans all the butter, eggs, meat, sweetbreads, and other scary animal bits. Also, and most importantly, to Isa and Terry for their amazing and inspiring cookbook. And to the Veganfreaks, for helping me pick which book to cook and blog my way through.

More musings on the hows and whys to follow. For now, let the game begin!


KLP said...

Best of luck! I may need to come over soon for some of the experiments so we can catch up.

I'm finally learning to think less and act more.

Godspeed! :)


IsaChandra said...

Your kitchen is small but adorable! I can't wait to see how this goes.
ox Isa

AG said...

Wow, I thought that my kitchen was small!!

Good luck! :)

Anonymous said...

Love the name. Best of luck. Your dedication is tremendous.

Anonymous said...

You go girl! Looking forward to some healthy cooking in a few weeks :)

Anonymous said...

Yey, good luck. I loved the Julie/Julia book and instead of doing something like this myself (with butter and eggs of course)I'll just read your blog...

Neta said...

(I got here from veganfreak)
Good luck!
I love your kitchen, it looks very compact :) now going to see what is coming out of it...